I"m Sailing!

I"m Sailing!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Today is the day!

So since it is a new month I decided that I would use today as my a day in the life of Kelly. I think that it's going to be fascinating for you to be updated about my life hourly. You will see the ups and downs, victories and struggles of my daily life. This will pull at your heart strings and make your spirit soar. So let's begin.

8:14 a.m.

This morning has been quite eventful already. First I hit my alarm clock for about 45 minutes. I rationalized that I had been so tired yesterday that I deserved to sleep longer today. So I woke up late and then I looked out the window and what did I see.... not just popcorn popping on the apricot tree, that would be normal for May, this time I looked out the window and what did I see.... SNOW! It was quite a shock. Anyway I missed the bus, I didn't even try to catch it because I knew it would be long gone by the time I was finally ready so I drove into work again for the 3rd day in a row. I'm such a slacker. Then I got to work and went to the cafeteria since I hadn't had a chance to eat breakfast at home. I got some delicious cracked wheat and a water the breakfast of champions. I got up to my desk about 15 mintues late which shouldn't be a problem since my co-worker is supposed to be here at 7:30 but for some reason he wasn't and still isn't here. He's scheduled to go on vacation tomorrow who knows maybe he left a day early. So that has been my fun filled morning.

9:52 a.m.

My phone is ringing a lot this morning because there are only 2 of us manning it. I ate cake already this morning cause my co-worker brought it in. It was really good but now I feel sick.

10:50 a.m.

So I was getting cold and I thought I would walk over to get my sweater to put over my legs and as I stood up something fell and I thought for a split second that my skirt had fallen off. It turned out to be my sweater so it was already on me. I almost had a panic attact. It was really funny.

1:15 p.m.

I just got back from my lunch break. It was an extra special day because I went to a presentation about fruits and vegetables. I got a free apple and I learned that eating fruits and veggies is good for you. I am eating my apple now and it is mmmm mmm good. I also had vegetable soup for lunch. I guess the message is really sinking in. I really wish I had my camera to document all that I'm journaling today but I didn't bring my camera.

1:40 p.m.

I just came up with a brilliant business plan.I'm going to start up a business where I follow people around and update their blogs for them on a regular basis. I really think there is a need out there people just don't have enough time to document their lives as much as they should and I'm going to be there ready to tell the world their every move. I just need some money for advertising and some fancy clothes and a nice car

2:49 p.m.

So bored!!! Emailed and texted people and am waiting for a response so I don't feel like a loser. I hate being out of control in the text/phone/email game. It's such trauma waiting and hoping you aren't a big geek or something.

3:30 p.m.

Still super bored but I went and talked to my friend we'll call her A.B. who works in another department here and we chatted for a while. She even let me wear her sombrero which was pretty much the highlight of my day. I'm still waiting on some emails and texts so those have proved to fly up in the clouds never to return again. Oh that reminds me of a story. On Sunday I went to my roommates family birthday party. There were helium filled balloons and we tied them around the kids wrists and told them to be very careful and not to let them fly away. Well I decided that I needed a balloon tied around my wrist too and about 2 minutes after having it on I got playing too hard and it untied (I'm ashamed to say that I'm the one who tied the knot on it too. I'll never be a boy scout!) Well I started crying telling everyone to get it back for me and that I lost my pink balloon. It was so sad. I'm still trying to get over it. That's why it makes me so sad that I put emails and texts out there and they just get neglected and fly away never to be seen again. Luckily on Sunday there was birthday cake to console my broken heart. I hope there is a treat tonight that will console my once again broken little heart.

4:20 p.m.

Going home suckers! Oh and one of the balloons came back. :)


AC said...

This is a thrilling ride! Tell me, what did you put on your cracked wheat?????

Marissa Marie said...

Next week, next week you need the camera. I think it will give your documenting that extra "oomph". Not that this isn't juicy stuff...cuz it definitely is.

r & k said...

so . . . today is may 5th. that is 4 days since you were going to post everything you do. i am just sitting here waiting for you to catch me up on your day. why didn't you bring your camera to my house - you could've blogged the rice and beans! or the breakfast bar cookies! or me! :)