I"m Sailing!

I"m Sailing!

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Thank You

You guys are great. I'll be awaiting your responses for what you want for your prizes. In the mean time please enjoy this clip. (click on clip) This is the story of my life and frankly I'm tired of people chasing after me, yes I'm one of the three (just watch the video and you will understand). Things are going so well in the dating area of my life I may have to write another chapter or two about the Committment Dragon. He's out on the loose again and I think he's been following me.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008


I know it's truly a miracle. I'm back from the grave. Well not really but I'm taking advantage of my dinner break during class so I'm going to post some pictures from the last few months. I've been a busy girl and haven't been able to do much blogging.... I know it's been sad for me too. Hopefully this will make up for it. These are my nephews and neice and anything else I feel like putting on here. It'll be a nice surprise when people look at my blog on the rare occation that they check and see that I actually posted. If you do see this, write a comment which tells me the date so I can see how long it takes for people to regain faith in me as a blogger.