I"m Sailing!

I"m Sailing!

Friday, April 25, 2008


So I decided that I'm going to make a new goal, to write on my blog more, maybe I'll do it once a week, or once a day or even once an hour, oh that would be fun. I could do an hourly update on what projects I'm working on at work, what website I'm checking, whose blog I'm reading or whose emails I've received that I'm excited about. You guys are so lucky you will get to see the world through my eyes, well not really cause that would be like that movie the Truman Show or something but it will still be exciting none the less. Oh, and I'll take pictures of everything I do. I'll have my coworkers trained to take my picture every hour and I'll just post that picture according to what I'm doing at the second. Shoot I hope they don't catch me doing anything weird. I hope I don't have my mouth full of food (that one might be a frequent activity though since I eat about once an hour), what if I am caught in the middle of a sneeze or worse yet..... what if I'm caught after a sneeze and there is something unmentionable hanging from my nose. I'm having second thoughts about my idea all the sudden. This could be really embarrassing. I'll have to sleep on this for the weekend and decide if I can really go through with my goal to be a perpetual blogger. It really is a goal but I'm just a little afraid of the fame it could create.

1 comment:

Marissa Marie said...

Oh c'mon, just do it. :-) We're all friends here...no one will laugh at you...