I"m Sailing!

I"m Sailing!

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

I Guess it's my Turn

"Here are the rules as passed on - Each player starts with seven random facts about themself. People who are tagged need to write on their own blog about the seven things and the rules. You need to choose seven people to tag and list their names. Don’t forget to leave them a comment that they have been tagged and to read your blog!"

So here are my seven random facts but I'm not going to tag people because I don't know seven people with blogs. In fact I don't even think I know seven people.

Fact 1. I think it's funny when people fall down or trip. I know it isn't nice but it's just so unexpected that it makes me crack up. Unless of course they get hurt then it's just mean to laugh....until later if it's really funny.

Fact 2. I like to sneeze, I think it's fun. They just spontaneously come out and all of the sudden all the attention is on me. It's kind of like I am the famous sneeze girl for 3 seconds or so.

Fact 3. I want to take up the hobby of treasure hunting. I think it would be very exciting and lucrative. I first need to find a map and then I want to quit my job and treasure hunt full time.

Fact 4. Given the choice between death by chocolate and death by fire, I would choose the death by chocolate.

Fact 5. My favorite singers are Martina McBride and Rob Thomas.

Fact 6. I'm afraid to use Ebay. I don't want to get junk if I buy something and I don't want to sell someone I don't know something and have them get mad at me if it is junk.

Fact 7. I want to be in the credits of a movie before I die. I don't have any skills that would get me there but I'm hoping maybe some day I'll be able to contribute something or someone will give me an honorable mention just because.

There they are. I feel like they are more confessions than facts but so be it.

1 comment:

Marissa Marie said...

You know, there was something on CNN about treasure hunters recently finding lots and lots of gold in the ocean. Can't remember the details, but based on that segment, I wouldn't mind joining you in your treasure hunt!