I"m Sailing!

I"m Sailing!

Friday, May 18, 2007

Creepy Leg Rubbing Guy

So about a year and a half ago this creepy guy sat by me on the bus, he was a big guy and sat way too close. His leg kept rubbing up against mine and it really creeped me out. The next time he sat by me I wedged by backpack in between us and was trying to discretely force him off the seat. I haven't seen him for a long time, thankfully, and yesterday I was talking to a girl I know, who asked if I knew creepy leg rubbing guy. Instantly I knew who she was referring to. She said that he does it to everyone, even guys. What a weirdo. It made me laugh really hard because this whole time I've thought it was just me and maybe I was just paranoid, but apparently he has a weird leg rubbing fetish. There are some strangies out there.

1 comment:

Marissa Marie said...

You've been tagged. Check my blog for the rules, and don't forget to do it!